
Radial Ring NdFeB Magnet


  • The radial anisotropic magnetic field arrangement facilitates assembly of the rotor of the motor compared to that of the C-type (segment) when applied to the motor, which reduces manufacturing costs and improves the dynamic balance of the motor by increasing assembly accuracy
  • The number of pole and waveform of the radial magnet can be freely magnetized since they are determined by the magnetizing yoke


  • Stepping, Coreless, Servo, Spindle Motors and Various Actuators

Type of magnetization

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착자의 종류
  Skewed Magnetization Straight magnetization Unipole magnetization
Application Servo motors EPS motors
Magnetic Gear
Spindle motors Stepping motors Generators Coupling Linear actuator Shaft motors Ref. compressor Speakers Mag. Bearings

The number of pole and waveform of Radial

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Radial 극수 및 파형
Skewed Magnetization Straight magnetization
Radial Ring Magnet With outer steel yoke Radial Ring Magnet With inner steel yoke


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